
The Importance of Soft washing Exterior Surfaces of Your Home

Your home is your most significant investment. Keep it looking its best by soft washing the exterior surfaces! Softwashing is a process that uses low-pressure and special detergents to clean the surface of your home. This method is much safer than a traditional pressure washing, which can damage your home’s siding, roof, and windows. This blog post will discuss the importance of soft washing and how you can get started.

Soft washing Reduces Risk of Siding Damagecleaning

One of the most significant benefits of soft washing is that it reduces the risk of damage to your home’s siding. Pressure washing can be too powerful and end up stripping away paint or damaging siding. Softwashing uses low-pressure and gentle solutions to clean your home’s exterior without causing any damage.

It Reduces Damage to Landscaping

When you use a pressure washer on your landscaping, there is a high risk of damaging plants and grass. The high-pressure water can uproot plants, wash away topsoil, and cause other damage. Softwashing is much gentler on your landscaping and will not cause any damage. Also, the solutions used in soft washing are biodegradable and will not harm your plants.

It’s Eco Friendly

Another benefit of soft washing is that it is eco-friendly. The solutions used in soft washing are biodegradable and will not harm the environment. Pressure washing can use harmful chemicals that can pollute the air and water. In addition, pressure washing uses a lot of water, which can be a scarce resource in some areas. Softwashing uses less water and is more environmentally friendly. Soft washing also it increases the longevity of your roof. Pressure washing can damage shingles and shorten the lifespan of your roof. Softwashing uses low-pressure and gentle solutions to clean your roof without causing any damage. This will help extend your roof’s life and keep it looking its best.

It Can Remove Mold, Mildew, and Algae

Finally, soft washing can remove mold, mildew, and algae from your home’s exterior. Pressure washing can sometimes spread these spores around and worsen the problem. Softwashing uses gentle solutions to kill these spores and prevent them from returning. This is important for your family’s health and the appearance of your home. As you can see, there are many benefits to soft washing your home’s exterior surfaces. Softwashing is safer, more eco-friendly, and can extend your roof’s life. In addition, soft washing can remove mold, mildew, and algae from your home’s exterior. If you want to keep your home looking its best, softwash the exterior surfaces.…

mold infested house

Benefits of Professional Mold Testing

Does your house have excess moisture? Has there been a sewage backup or plumber leak? You could be having molds in the house since spores thrive in damp and warm areas. Some areas in the house are prone to growth. They include kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, making mold infestation a concern to every home. Mold grows in areas that are invisible, for example, inside walls. Therefore, how will you know if you have mold in the house? The best way is to contact a professional mold testing company. Luckily, you can get free mold testing services using modern tools for both commercial and residential properties.

Here are some benefits of professional mold testing:

Prevents the Risks of Mold Exposure

Mold symptoms, especially black mold, can be dangerous and life-threatening. If someone in the hose is already sick from an autoimmune condition, you are at a higher risk of severe symptoms from mold exposure. Exposure symptoms can be mild, like skin rashes, common cold symptoms, and allergies. However, black mold symptoms might include severe respiratory infections, chronic headaches, fatigue, and asthma complications.

Improves the Air Quality

ensures clean airWhen mold in the house becomes airborne, the air quality in the home declines significantly. Mold symptoms and exposure happen when the spores are inhaled in the air and settle in nasal passages and lungs. A remediation expert can test the indoor air quality to find out signs of the spores. They are also able to perform extensive inspections for the possibility of mold growth in the home. If found, professional mold testing is done to establish if there is a risk of toxic exposure.

Reduces the Risk of Structural Damages

Mold growth happens in damp and warm areas. It means that they grow in places in the home that you cannot see immediately, like behind wallpapers or walls, behind plumbing fixtures, ceiling tiles, and underneath appliances. Mold growth and water damage can lead to problems in wooden structures, electrical wiring, and insulation. Through mold inspection and remediation, you can prevent or reduce structural damages.

Helps to Discover the Source of Molds

Although clearing mold is a good idea, in the long run, if the source is not established, it will still be a problem. The professional removal services go beyond cleaning the mold because they locate the source. First, industrial hygienist tests for the mold since they can explain the processes before mold remediation experts come in. They can distinguish between discoloration found in mold infestation and where mold might be hiding. After knowing the source, they help to determine the appropriate course of action to eliminate the problem.…


Health Benefits of a Clean Home

A clean home has a way of making you feel good, especially after a tiring a day. Would you believe that there is an actual study that correlates health and the cleanliness of your home? The question is, do people who have enough energy have clean houses, or is it the other way around? Regardless, some benefits are worth knowing and can potentially change your lifestyle.


Lowers Your Stress

Have you ever experienced having to find something important in a room full of mess? How about accidentally slipping on the floor because of split liquid? Or not being able to see through your window because of accumulated dirt? It’s stressful, for sure. When you have an untidy room, you always think that you have work to be done subconsciously. This, in turn, brings up stress and fatigue even just by thinking about it. Having everything organized and in place gives you peace of mind, thus lowering your stress levels. Cleaning your room, house, or workplace can also be stressful at first. If there’s too much work to be done and you only have yourself to do it, consider availing professional services like home service cleaning or commercial window cleaning. This can be the start of something good.

Reduce Allergies

People with allergies and asthma hates being in a dusty or dirty room. This means having to sneeze and suffer a runny nose all day. Even carpeting, beddings, and upholstery can worsen allergies in some people. The more things you have at home, the more difficult it is to clean. This means an increase in areas for dust accumulation. Consider sorting out things and removing unnecessary furnitures or items in your home.


Reduce Hazards

If you have so much stuff left on your floor, the worst thing that could happen is slipping and hitting your head. This is potentially fatal and can cause internal bleeding and fractures. Leaving things on the floor can even pose as a fire hazard, especially when it blocks doors and fire exits. It’s essential to keep your home tidy and free from spills or potential causes of falls.

Reduce Spread of Infection

Bacteria thrive in warm and damp places. This is why the kitchen is one of the areas most susceptible to germ build-up. It’s essential to maintain your kitchen clean by using proper cleaning agents like bleach to help you kill bacteria present in your kitchen. You can also increase the spread of germs through hand to hand contact, which is why it is always recommended to wash your hands or have a hand sanitizer readily available at your home. Leaving food can also pose a danger to food poisoning, so be very particular when storing your food.…